Thursday, May 3, 2007

My First Real Blog

Welp...this is my first blog. My friend Natalie encouraged me to start blogging because I haven't done it in a while and I need to be more open and honest. Plus it helps me to write and get things out. goes nothing. I have been struggling with self doubt and the feeling that I don't fit in or that I don't have friends. Which I know I do and I've never really struggled with that before, so I know it's Satan trying to get his foot in the door and make me doubt that I'm where God wants me. I've always had low self esteem issues, but I've always had a lot of great friends and have always known I could turn to any one of them when I felt sad or needed someone to talk to. it's just a weird place, but I have been praying a lot that God would take it away and keep Satan from clouding my mind with lies. This week has been better though, just have to keep fighting! Also...I really am longing for community. We don't have a home group right now and we're having a hard time finding one because of our busy schedule. I mean I have friends I talk to regularly like Natalie, Dee Dee and Sarah and some of my co-workers, but it's getting easier and easier for me to just talk about surface stuff and leave off the stuff deep down, so I need to be held accountable for that. If you want to be friends...I'm needing some more friends to have a deep relationship with. I miss going to lunch with people or having let's hang out!

Update on life:

Eric, my husband and I have been BUSY! He is doing school online at the Art Institute to get his graphics and web design degree and he loves it! He's working part time with his brother doing landscaping and also still doing Rhythm...who are trying to come up with a new name....and playing worship at The Village. I work at The Village...I am an assistant to Josh Patterson (staff development), Josh Drew (worship) and Michael Bleecker (worship) and have been for 4 months...and now I am also an assistant to Beau Hughes (college) which I started this week. I LOVE my job! I love my bosses....each one of them is different in a very unique way, but great fun to work for! I am learning so much! Work is busy and fast paced, but I love it and I want to stay here forever.

So church functions, staff functions, homework, work and music is keeping us busy, but we're having a great time! Side Note: WE ARE GOING TO SEE MY FAVORITE BAND...MUTE MATH FRIDAY NIGHT!!! Also right now we live in Roanoke TX which is far away from EVERYTHING, but July 13 we are moving to Flower Mound! So I will be close to work again for the first time in a year and a 1/2! So also...if you want to be our friends and help us move...we're looking for help :) Anyways...thanks for reading, please comment!

Welp...see ya around.


amberburger said...

yippee! we love you andrea! i am soooooo glad you have a blog! actually, oddly enough i was just sitting here praying you and for the staff at the village, then i got on my email and here you are! yipee! amen. so happy blogging sweet friend!

a likens said...

Hey Bullpen mate... I added you to my blog. I look forward to your mind on blog!

Amanda said...

Hey Andrea! I'm so glad you started a blog!

Anonymous said...

When you go see Mute Math, check out the band playing with them called Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin. They're great. Those guys live across the street from me. Tell the guitar player Will that I said howdy and that I'll jam with him on the porch when they get back from Europe.

Finally an Abrigg..... said...

hi there andrea!!! yet another blog to fill up my time when i should be cleaning or reading my bible or spending time with the Lord. shoot. :)

Them Chandlers said...

So glad to have you as a friend on here :) I look forward to reading it!

lovetruth said...

Hey Girl!
I must tell you that Amber and I believe you are one of the most beautiful people we know!!
We love you so much! Let Eric know we are proud of him also.

I remember being in Midland and having so many of the same feelings, thoughts, etc. One of the ways the Lord used the "attacks" for His good is by doing the EXACT thing you are trying to do...getting in close and intimate community.

It is a mind blowing truth to see that God is first and foremost relational. Relational amongst Himself (the intra trinitarian relationship) and then with us. This drives us to be relationally focused first and foremost with God and then WE WILL be relationally focused with others.

This has messed me up so much lately (the last 2 years). I definitely have struggles with doubts, depressive times, etc., but I want you to know of His intimate care. The matter of being relationally focused will cause all of us to not seek His glory as a "thing", but it is the natural overflow of relationship. Thus what we spread is the matter of relationship with God as being preeminent and not mainly "programs" (although it sure as heck includes them!)

This frees us to enjoy life and slow down. I know the feelings (and schedule) of "that sounds great, but have you seen my schedule you freakin' idiot". Please do not take my long response in this way. I just want you to know that Amber and I are here and want to grow together in Jesus with you and Eric.

We apologize for not seeking you out more. Realationship is a two way street and we also take responsibility.

I must say that I am excited for you in this time, although you may be reading this and thinking "go kiss an egg, you punk".

By the way...we want in on the moving party!!!!!

Nat Pat said...

hey girl! i'm so proud of you putting yourself out there. it's gonna be so good to see how the Lord uses this opportunity to be vulnerable. i can't wait to read more! love you!