Wednesday, June 13, 2007

What a week!

This week has been so far as learning experiences go. Eric is in Colorado with Bleecker, Dustin Hamilton, Dustin Sandlin, and Josh Walker leading worship for The Village students and I miss him dearly! I didn't really know what to expect...because to be honest, I don't think we've been away from each other this long in our entire dating career (which is only 2 years, but still!) the most we've been away is 4 days. To make it even harder...his phone doesn't work and everyone else's phones only work in town...which is a 15 minute drive. So needless to say...we've barely even gotten to talk :( I was kind of worried that I'd be scared while I was home alone, because I have a very vivid imagination and the slightest sound (or made up sound) can lead to a killer under my bed ready to strike...ridiculous, I know! But, it actually hasn't been that bad! I've been praying a lot that I would feel God's presence and not feel fear, so when my mind goes there I'm trying to put into practice the "take captive every thought" thing and it has definately helped!

The thing I didn't expect was that I would get soooo much done and actually enjoy my time alone a little. I've been able to prepare for our move by cleaning out all the closests and going through all our CDs and stuff and just getting rid of things that I've been holding onto...that I don't use or need. I mean it wasn't much, but it felt good to get rid of a few our house is so clean and organized right now...I just hope it can stay that way until we move on July 13!

I've also been able to read more and just enjoy silence. I'm still reading "Money, Sex and Power" and it is so far really challenging me and actually leading me closer to Jesus and I love it!

Before Eric left we got to have some really good and much needed conversations, so it's also been a good week just to reflect on our marriage and how I can become a better wife. I'm so freaking prideful and selfish...I really need God's help on being a good wife and I have to be reminded of it daily.

Another cool thing that has happened was on Monday night I was driving home and I felt like the Lord spoke to my heart and asked me specifically to obey...I argued, but in the end I did obey and in the end the Lord totally blessed me! It was extremely encouraging for my soul and it's been a while since I felt that clear of a command and was able to immediately obey. it's been great! I've gotten a little girl time in there too. I went to Sarah's on Sunday and we got to run some errands for her trip to London and also watch some Office episodes....she has tivo :) Sarah I miss you already! Come back!! And tonight I'm staying with Nat because Josh is also at the camp with we're going to have a slumber party...just me, Nat and Lily. So it'll be great!

But...I cannont wait until Eric comes home on Friday! I cried a little after I talked to him yesterday and I don't even know why. I guess I'm turning into more a girl than I thought I was...any of you who have known me since college are laughing right now :) But...whatever I'm not ashamed...okay maybe a little, but I'm letting my pride down to tell you guys that I cried. Whatever...if anyone wants to hang out in the next two days give me a call!! I feel like I could write a lot more...but it would be rambling because I'm not sure how to word all that the Lord has done in my heart lately. So...I'll leave it at this. Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I took a picture today that reminds me of you! Just wait til you see it! Love you! Miss you! Sarah