Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Good News!

For those of you who haven't heard...Eric got offered a job as a Graphic Artist at The Village! We will be on staff together starting September 17....except he will be in Denton and I will be in HV. We are super excited and I'm extremely proud of Eric because he has worked really hard in school and has learned a lot in just the few short months he has been helping Adam and going to school. Anyways...it's a great opportunity for him! And...we get to share a room at Staff Retreat!

Besides that Eric also turned 25 yesterday! I got him a case for his guitar cab and a trip to New York! I found some really cheap tickets to fly and we are staying with our great friend Mia. We are going October 15-18...we are pumped! I can't believe I have been able to keep this a secret for over a month...I mean I told like everyone, except Eric! I'm pretty proud of myself because I usually can't wait.

Also for his birthday his family took us to Babe's for dinner...we love Babe's.

Besides that nothing else that cool is really going on...we have a Staff Pool Party on Friday! Should be fun! And today at Staff meeting we had a really good time of prayer and worship. I love everyone I work for.

Hope you are all doing great! Any suggestions for fun things to do in New York would be much appreciated!


Anonymous said...

Hey Andrea. Its Jen. I gave in and joined the blogging world. I like your page, check mine out sometime! Look forward to working with you and CONGRATS on Eric!!!

Lauren Williams said...

What? i didn't know about Eric!! that's awesome! but i did know about New York!! i have never been there so i have no suggestions...except to eat a hot dog!

Matthew said...

incredible! way to go for spoiling your husband! NYC! Where do I begin? If it were my choice, and not the Lords, I would be on the next plane there living and ministering alongside dear friends. However, he has planted me here in KC. As far as things to do...my goodness...there is so much. Don't try to do it all, or you won't have a fun trip. Pick out the big things you want to do, do them, and then just enjoy the city the rest of the time. Here's a tip: goto www.newyorkpass.com you can buy this pass for like $50 for a day, and get in free to practically EVERYTHING (for example, if you want to do the circle line boat tour of the harbor and the top of the empire state building) it already pays for itself. A GREAT deal. When I took a group up there, we got them, and they are well worth the price. They are only good for one day, so if you get one, plan of a dya of craziness and do all the big stuff. We did that, and it worked greatly. (with a balance of seeing a lot plus having other days to enjoy the city!)

Lauren Williams said...

time for an update!