Monday, November 12, 2007

mute math, catch phrase and the goonies

Okay...I'm trying to get better at updating more often. So here I am. Can I just tell you how great my weekend was?

It was kicked off with a tradition..."Mack, Mal and Andrea's Friday lunch with Bari's hamburger pizza and ranch" yes that's the official name! We were celebrating Mallery Quon's 21st birthday (which was actually on Halloween) by enjoying a tradition we used to have every week back in the day when our staff was small. It was a good time...little Mal is growing up! I met her when she was crazy.

Anyways...Friday night Eric and I headed out to Fort Worth to Amber and Vernon Burger's house!! Amber and I went to SBU together...we go way back. Anyways...Sarah came over too and Amber and Vern's roomate Robin was there as well and of course little Titus. Caroline (Amber's cousin) came for a little bit. We enjoyed a great meal together and then we just got a chance to sit around and catch up. We also played "catch phrase" which is my favorite game! It is even more my favorite game when Vernon plays. Me and Sarah always try to get him to play with us because it's way funner! He just yells a lot and gets really just have to see it. I was on Vernon and Robin's team and we won! Vernon was exhausted from yelling and everyone else was exhausted from laughing at Vernon after that first was worth it though. I love my friends!

Saturday we went to see Mute Math!!! We were on the front row and they rocked our faces off. Paul (the lead singer) did a front flip over his keyboard and then a back flip back over. It was so cool! They did great and they ended up doing a 3 song encore...they usually just do one song. They played all my favorite songs and it was of course the best show I've ever seen! We got to see our friends Bob and Mati and Mel Kidd we went to a nearby diner afterwards to hang out.

Sunday Josh and Natalie Drew came over to hang out and we watched "The Goonies" because Josh Drew had NEVER SEEN IT! Can you believe it? It was a good time of fellowship...we just sat around a talked the rest of the day.

This is a busy week. Tonight we have home group, Wednesday Adam and Tarrah Lancaster are coming over. Thursday Justin Hines and his girlfried Lindsay are coming over and Friday night Tim and Dee Dee Wint are coming over. Dee Dee is a home ec teacher and was my mentor for the first couple of years that I moved she is going to teach me how to make something cool for dinner. I'm excited! I mean eventually we're going to have people over for a second time and ya'll may not want to have "Chicken Surprise" every single time :)

Welp that's the update! I'm getting better see?


Courtney Hofmann said...

simply put, i like you.... thats all :)

iamjames said...

see you soon.

Finally an Abrigg..... said...

Thanks Andrea! Yea, we had heard about that restaurant from a few people! I'm so excited!! :) It's going to be the Christmas season!! That's what I'm most excited about! :)

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

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