Anyways...the past week has been good...just shopping a lot mostly. We finished our Christmas shopping! I'm so glad...I love getting done early and knowing it's all taken care of.
Our tree has been up since Thanksgiving and it has been knocked over by Lenny (the cat) a total of 3 times...I mean Pedro (the other cat) could have done it...but let's face it, it's Lenny...she's the crazy one. She likes to get up as high as she can and try to reach an ornament she likes and then she tackles the tree. She finally got her favorite ornament off and hid it under the couch (it's a stuffed stripped cat that looks a lot like Pedro with a scarf...I don't know if she has anger issues because it looks like Pedro and not her or what). But, we found it...we decided not to put that one back on there to see if that would calm the tree tackling down.
I got a new phone! I love it! Isn't it cute?

I'm still watching Lost a lot! Season 3 comes out Tuesday!! Don't buy it for me for Christmas because I'm going to buy it before then :) I have to re-watch it before Season 4 starts of course!
Anyways...that's what's been going on. I hope everyone is having a good week!
this post cracked me up. our cat LOVES the fricken christmas tree. he grabs a hold of the branches and shakes them vigorously until the ornaments fall off. every time we came home, more and more ornaments would be broken on the floor. finally we got so pissed that we moved the tree into the spare bedroom and had to barricade the door so the cat cant get in. needless to say, its pretty pathetic and we cant even enjoy our christmas tree....haha
ah, so that's the coveted phone! it is pretty cute.
hey love, just wanted to let you know im thinking about you guys.. how are erics parents doing and how are ya'll?
are we still on for dinner on thursday?
i'm still anticipating my christmas present. i'm expecting a gigantic box with a beautiful bow awaiting my arrival tomorrow. :) C'mon, Santa!!
Poor Lenny...she needs to sign up for a step study. :)
that is so funny about the cats!
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