Monday, February 25, 2008


Okay...I'm finally updating. I know it's been a while. I just feel like I don't have much to say...I mean other than surfacy stuff. We have been real busy the past few weeks, but life has been good! Valentine's Day was awesome...Eric surprised me all day. In the morning I got in my car to go to work and there were some chocolates, a card (that he made himself) and a rose in my car seat. The card said to prepare for an overnight stay. So I got off work a little early and packed my backpack. He took me to Hotel Lawrence and Spaghetti Warehouse...this is what we did on our wedding night! It was very sweet and it was a nice little get away.

Other than that we've been hanging out with various friends and just having fun! Lately we've gotten to play with the Warren's, the Bleecker's, the Hofmann's, Mack and Sara, and Steve and Janet Chandler. It's been fun.

Saturday I went to see "Definitely Maybe" with Sarah and I loved it! You should go see it, if you like girl movies (which I don't usually), so maybe go see it anyway. I almost cried like 4 times.

Anyways, that's what's been going on socially :) Spiritually, things have been really challenging lately...but in a good way. I'm meeting with Katherine again on Wednesday and I'm really excited. I've just been learning a lot about dying to myself and trying to be less selfish. It's definitely easier said than done...but I can at least tell the Lord is showing me times that I am selfish so I can work on doing the opposite...which is annoying, but I'm learning to listen! My big thing right now is just trying to be honest about my situation. I don't really know what I'm dealing with so that's why it's hard to communicate what I'm learning I'm learning that if I just ask God to reveal things to me, he will. And he definitely has! Funny how that works. So, once he reveals those things to me, it's up to me to do the right thing with that's the challenging part. Another thing I've learned though...if I just ask for the strength to do it...he'll walk me through it. So, I guess I'm realizing I don't have to just try to work it out by myself, he's waiting to hold my hand through whatever if I just ask him and then let him. It's great! I'm excited to meet with Katherine so I can tell her what I've actually learned and we can go deeper to find more stuff in there. More sin to work through....yesssss.

Oh and on a completely different subject...we bought a new entertainment center, TV, and blu ray player! And...the best thing...we bought a Wii!!! That's my favorite part. We've been saving up for a while so we can "upgrade" which I care nothing about, but Eric really wanted to...and it looks good. I love the Wii though...I'm addicted. Anyways...that's all. Have a great week!


Courtney Hofmann said...

yay for an update! i like you and am excited to hang out tomorrow. you guys are fun :)

Bex said...

you better do the questionaire.