Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Well, Monday was our 2 year anniversary (and Sarah's birthday)! Can you believe it? We've been married for 2 whole's gone by fast.

For those of you who don't know, Sarah is my BFF and she was my maid of honor...on her birthday!! Talk about self sacrifice...what a lame birthday present. So, I always tell her that we're celebrating her birthday, not our anniversary.

Anyways, this past weekend we celebrated her birthday by heading to the Magnolia Hotel in Dallas for 2 was fabulous! I forgot to take pictures of our room, but if you want to see what it looks like here are some pictures:
Anyways, while we were downtown we went to the 6th floor museum (JFK) and we went to the Aquarium and we had a blast! We had cookies and milk at night, free drinks and breakfast brought to our room in the mornings. But, for real...happy birthday Sarah! I'm glad you're my BFF....we should FOR REAL celebrate your birthday real soon :)

Besides that, we have been running around like crazy...this is going to be a busy month. My Mom was here a couple of weeks ago staying with us, then home group on Mondays, Venture on Wednesdays, Lost on Thursdays :)...well that was just last week. But we are going to continue our Lost party every week so whoever wants to come can come watch it with us. Courtney and DJ are coming back this week....also we are having dinner with the newly engaged Kent and Kristen! Friday is Cassie's wedding (one of my old roomates and also a co-worker) and Saturday we are doing dinner and a concert with Josh and Angela Walker, Michael and Faith Bleecker, and John and Natalee Warren in Dallas. It's been really fun though.

I've been learning a lot still. Monday we had Restore for the TVC Staff. It was excellent! Beau led it, he had us read 1 Corinthians 8:1-11:1 individually for 30 minutes and write down any thoughts we had while reading. Then, we broke up into groups and shared our thoughts and then prayed over each other. It was very encouraging. It was funny how each of us was talking about what we got out of the text and it just happened to coincide with whatever God had been teaching us as individuals. So, my thoughts were a lot about letting go of selfishness and trying to focus on the glory of God and serving others. I've been pretty selfish my whole life and now I've realized it's gone so far I don't even realize it. For instance, if someone needs help around me, instead of just ignoring them purposefully I don't even notice their need. It's like a subconscious ignoring I guess. I don't want to do that...I want to serve the people around me. I talked to Katherine (that wise lady I was talking about in a previous post) about it and she just said..."well, all you have to do is, when you feel a selfish thought or action coming on, just do the opposite!" Sounds easy right? Well, it's not, but I'm trying to work on it :) I've just been praying a lot for awareness and that anything else that is causing sin inside me would come to the surface. So, it's been good and stretching.

Anyways, that's what's going on in my world.


Anonymous said...

ummm.... i think Lost is a rerun tomorrow... already? this writers strike is lame-o. love you.

Courtney Hofmann said...

are you serious? is Lost a re-run tonight? please say no.